May 15, 2023
OOH Sales Blog

Creating A High Performance Culture

There are certain foundational aspects that must be in place if your OOH company is going to be as highly effective, efficient and as profitable as it can be.  One of those things, in my opinion, is to have a culture of accountability.  In our 40+ years of running media companies, training, coaching and providing executive coaching we have NEVER seen a company realize its full potential without a culture of accountability.  

Accountability doesn’t just happen because we want it to.  There is a famous quote by Aristotle, “Excellence is never an accident.  It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”  Therefore, accountability that drives high performance is merely a choice we must make… intentionally. 

It can be argued that Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots and Nick Saban of Alabama are two of the most successful football coaches the game has ever seen.  With all the success both have enjoyed separately many do not realize those two have a common history dating back to the early 1980’s and have remained close for decades.

They share a very simple mantra that they preach to their players, have signs up in the locker room, at the practice field, at the stadium.  What’s that mantra?  “Do Your Job”.  Their belief is, if everyone does what they are supposed to do…we win!  The only problem is the player, every player, has to understand exactly what their role is, what are the key performance metrics that are being used to evaluate them.  What is meeting expectations?  What is exceeding expectations?  What is NOT meeting expectations?

It's not as simple as saying that if they are getting results then they are meeting expectations.  If that is our measurement, then we are forever “stuck” in what the majority of leaders do…reactive leadership.  Running from one fire to the next, being the super hero that saves the day rather than creating a workforce that is learning to operate at a high level with autonomy.  In other words, being a proactive leader who puts their team in the best possible position to excel consistently. And in doing so avoids a great many of the pitfalls and problems the reactive leader spends his/her day dealing with.

 Have you identified the 3 to 6 leading indicator activities/behaviors that each role is responsible for that drives success in your OOH company?  Are those things 100% in control of the individual in that role?  P.S. It’s unfair to hold them accountable for things that are not.  Are you taking the steps necessary to create a high performance culture of accountability?  If not, why not?  Do your job!

Need help with sales skills or coaching to take your out of home company to the next level. Learn more about OOH Sales Mastery at or Contact Dan Nausley at, 423.702.5579.

Lisa & Dan Nausley of Sandler Chattanooga have developed the OOH Sales Mastery Program after more than a decade of training/coaching scores of OOH Operators across the country in sales, leadership, and executive coaching.

Read more Outdoor Sales Mastery Blogs

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OOH Sales
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